Nihon jaia

Tea ceremony, Sukiya and Exposition of utensils

Chadō / Chanoyu (茶道 / 茶の湯) or Japanese tea ceremony is a ritual form of preparing green tea or matcha (抹茶), influenced by Zen Buddhism, which consists in pouring the drink to a small group of guests in a quiet environment. Because who performs the ceremony must be familiar with the production and different types of tea and, on the other hand, with a wide range of other disciplines and traditional arts, his mastery requires a study of a lifetime. Even to participate as a guest in a formal tea ceremony it requires knowledge of appropriate postures and gestures and expected phrases, the proper way to take tea and sweets as well.

Activities in the Festival:

Tea ceremony during the two days of the Festival.

Creation of a Sukiya space (architectural space designed to be used for tea ceremony) and Exhibition of tea utensils.

Contemporary Zen Space

Contemporary Zen Space born in 1998 and develops artistic and spiritual disciplines related to the East culture. The center offers courses on Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement) following the traditional style “Mishoryu”, the art of Tai-Chi or Feng Shui. Similarly, they have held Tea ceremonies according to the traditional school called “Urasenke”. In fact, Rita Lozano and Sofia Gutierrez, coordinators of the center, have received a deep formation in the philosophy and principles of Urasenke school (里 千家) of Japanese Tea Ceremony and, besides, have participated, among other international events, in the European Convention Urasenke School (Rome, 2006).

More information about Chadō:

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