Nihon jaia

Lecture, Exhibition, Books and Workshop on the world of Haiku

The haiku (俳 句), coming from the haikai, is a short poem of three lines of five, seven and five syllables respectively. It is one of the traditional forms of Japanese poetry most widespread. Traditionally, haiku and other kind of poems, was focused on describing natural phenomena, the change of seasons, or people's daily life. Strongly influenced by the philosophy and aesthetics of Zen, his style is characterized by naturalness, simplicity (not simplistic), the subtlety and austerity.

Activities in the Festival:

Talk: What is the haiku, how to spell. Formal and aesthetic elements. Title of the talk: "The Brevity of an Instant"

Multimedia Composition on haiku. Title: "Two Voices"

Honeycomb of haiku.

Books' Exhibition.

Introductory Workshop to haiku (duration: 1hour and 30 minutes)

Exhibition of Haiga and photo-haiku.

Composition of haiku and music.

Anaku, Navarre Association of Haiku

The Navarre Association of Haiku, ANAKU, was born as a result of the work done on internet since 2003, first with haikuforo (already disappeared) and later with the Digital Magazine called Haiku The forum formed around this publication has given rise to a large community of haiku in which people from anywhere in the world can take part. ANAKU is, therefore, the consequence of this work and also the meeting point of a haijin community who lives and feels Navarre. The Association's main purpose is to disseminate, promote and provide all people who are interested the access to the Japanese poetic genre: the Haiku. Thus, since 2007, have participated in numerous literary events (this association's members, in turn, are holding regular meetings at the Yamaguchi library of Iruña / Pamplona), and also have organized specific workshops, presentations (Estella) and literary conferences (Barbarin) around the world of haiku.

More Information about Haiku:

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